Print and cut instructions for files

Additional instructions for clothes printed as cut-out patterns:

Fabric is a three-dimensional structure whose dimensions
change during the printing, washing and finishing processes.

Some of the dimensional changes can be predicted, but
with many fabrics and processes, dimensional
changes occur that cannot be known in advance.

The finished fabrics can be cut from the patterns either
according to the pattern or 1:1 dimensions. If you want to
use the correct dimensions of the formula, i.e. cut 1:1,
the change in dimensions must be taken into account by enlarging the image area
. Also see the attached Youtube video.

The easiest way to create pattern layouts is in our cutting software. You should make a separate pdf file with cutting lines for each piece of clothing. See the attached pdf file for instructions.

If you want to make all-over printing for your product.

Print and cut instructions for files - Printscorpio

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